(954) 642-2267

    ready to enroll?

    We are excited you chose Camp Lingua to host your child! Now, all that’s left is to enroll them. Follow this step-by-step guide to begin Online Enrollment (applies to any of our programs).



    Click the Enroll button. 

    Our Online Enrollment site will launch in a new page or tab.


    Scroll to the bottom, and Sign In on the left if you already have an account. Otherwise, create a new account using the form on the bottom right.


    - Camp Lingua


    Once you have accessed the system, scroll all the way down to select the program you wish to enroll in. Click Start application.

    - Camp Lingua


    Follow the application process by completing all the steps outlined on the screen. If you can’t finish right away, the system will save the information entered and you will be able to finish later.

    It’s recommended to have the following on hand before starting:

    • Exact dates or sessions you wish to enroll in.
    • Emergency contact information.
    • Camper’s medical information such as allergies, medications, etc.
    • Payment information.


    If we can assist you with something, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

    954.642.2267 | info@camplingua.com | Website Contact Form

    Contact us

    Broward Campus

    4700 Dykes Rd
    Southwest Ranches, FL 33331

    West Palm Campus

    3686 A Rd
    Loxahatchee, FL 33470

    Office Hours

    Mon – Fri

    9:00 am – 6:00 pm


    Appointment only



    Send us a Message


    West Palm Beach